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Supervised Learning and Kernel Regression In supervised learning, we seek to learn to predict a target variable from data. The way this happens is by having access to a number of data vectors with their associated targets (i.e. labels or physical measurements), defining some functional form that maps data to targets, and a merit criterion which is small when estimates are close to targets. One salient question for this domain is how to choose the functional form such that the resulting optimization problem is solvable, but sufficiently general so as to be able to capture important relationships between data and targets. In this thread of research, we investigate how to manage this tradeoff for the case that estimators belong to a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS), which yields a very rich class of estimators. However, owing to the Representer Theorem, this choice also makes the complexity of the optimization problem comparable to the training sample size, which is untenable for streaming applications or large-scale problems. However, by carefully constructing subspaces onto which we project RKHS-valued stochastic gradient algorithms, we are able to find optimally compressed kernelized regression functions. This is in contrast to a long history of literature trying to ameliorate the complexity growth of kernel methods with the training sample size that typically violate the optimality properties of the iterative sequences to which they’re applied.

We call this method Parsimonious Online Learning with Kernels (POLK), and illustrate a couple examples of the decision surface defined by POLK when used with a Gaussian kernel for two-dimensional multi-class classification. On the left we visualize the surface defined by kernel logistic regression; on the right a kernel support vector machine classifier is visualized. [Video]

These results are explained in detail in the following journal paper:

A. Koppel, G. Warnell, E. Stump, and A. Ribeiro, “Parsimonious Online Learning with Kernels via Sparse Projections in Function Space,” in Journal of Machine Learning Research (under review), Nov. 2016 

The way this optimal compression works contrasts with existing approaches: typically, one fixes the memory required and projects all subsequent points onto a subspace of fixed size. But this may cause divergence. By contrast, by allowing the model complexity to be flexible and dependent on informativeness according to the RKHS norm, we can tie gradient projections to memory-reduction, and ensure both near-optimality and finite memory (depending on the choice of kernel bandwidth, step-size, and compression budget). We can observe this phenomenon in the figures below.

Risk-Aware Learning We have recently investigated how this framework can be extended to overcome outliers and ill-conditioned data in streaming scenarios. We propose to do so through replacing the standard supervised learning objective by one that incorporates a dispersion statistic, which can be mathematically encapsulated by coherent risk. Coherent risk is a concept from operations research/mathematical finance which quantifies the uncertainty in a decision.

To date, risk has not been used in nonparametric estimation. There are two ways to modify online supervised learning procedures to overcome outliers and become risk-aware. One would be to add the risk function as a penalty term to the objective. The motivation fo this formulation can be connected directly from the bias-variance (estimation-approximation) tradeoff in machine learning. Minimizing risk functions, however, requires addressing the fact that they have a structural form where there are two nested expectations in the objective, and hence the stochastic gradient method inside POLK must be replaced with stochastic quasi-gradient (SQG) method. The use of SQG together with the subspace projections of POLK, their convergence, and experimental gains, is the subject of a recent submission to IEEE TSP.

Amrit S. Bedi, A. Koppel, and K. Rajawat. " Nonparametric Compositional Stochastic Optimization " in IEEE Trans. Signal Processing (submitted), Feb. 2019

This procedure is called Compositional Online Learning with Kernels, and we can experimentally observe its ability to overcome outliers online in the following plot.

Alternatively, one may write the risk function as a nonlinear constraint. However, to come up with kernelized learning algorithms, one must first extend the Representer Theorem to cases with constraints. We propose this extension, and then upon this foundation we develop a primal-dual method for solving the constrained optimization problem in function space. This formulation is equally applicable to risk-aware learning and model predictive control with obstacle-avoidance constraints. These contributions are summarized in the paper:

A. Koppel, K. Zhang, H. Zhu, and T. M. Baser. ”Projected Stochastic Primal-Dual Method for Constrained Online Learning with Kernels” in IEEE Trans. Signal Process. (submitted), Apr. 2018.

In the following plot, we display how a canonical risk function, called conditional value at risk, changes the decision surface and model complexity of a nonparametric estimator, for the cartoon data set we display above.

Here we display how these methods work for an online kernel SVM classifier with optimal memory-reduction. On the left, we place test set accuracy for this synthetic Gaussian mixture point cloud for primal-dual method, the new innovation here, as compared with its unconstrained variant (POLK) and an approximate penalty method. In the middle and right plot, when risk-constraints are enforced, then confidence regions are only drawn far from regions of class overlap. Moreover, the estimator tracks both the median of the distribution as well as its spread. This happens because the loss function now penalizes uncertainty in the decisions. Therefore, by ensuring risk is constrained, classifications are still made correctly but are aware of uncertainty regions.

In reinforcement learning, an autonomous agent observes a sequence of rewards as it traverses its environment based upon the actions it takes. Depending on which actions it takes, it may end up in more or less rewarding states. The question is how to choose the policy, i.e., the map from states to actions, so as to ensure the long-run (discounted) accumulation of rewards is maximized. This long-run accumulation is called the value. Methods for reinforcement learning roughly cluster into two classes, each of which come with their own benefits and drawbacks. On the one hand, it is possible parameterize the policy as a specific form, and then to run versions of stochastic gradient ascent directly on the value function using a classical representation of the value function's gradient called the Policy Gradient Theorem. Doing so is called Policy Search, and for general continuous spaces is intimately tied with non-convex stochastic optimization. On the other hand is approximate dynamic programming (ADP), in which one writes the optimal value function starting from one state as the expected optimal value function starting from another plus the one-step reward, a recursion known as Bellman's equation. Bellman's equations are stochastic fixed point recursions whose convergence is delicate in the face of different value function parameterizations. My attempt at organizing works on this topic is given in the following Venn diagram -- note that several successful recent works are situated in the intersection of APD and Policy Search.

Convergent APD with Nonlinear Function Approximation via Compressed Kernel Methods Approximate dynamic programming (ADP), at its core, relies on Bellman's equations, where we write the value starting from one state as the expected value starting from another plus the one-step reward. Then, to solve for the (optimal) value function, we have to solve this fixed point equation through stochastic approximation. Thus, many classical techniques for RL use stochastic fixed point iterations, e.g., Temporal Difference Learning and Q Learning. These methods break down when combined with function approximation (parameterization), however, which is intrinsically required for continuous Markov Decision Problems. My approach to mitigating these issues is to reformulate the fixed point problems defined by Bellman’s evaluation into compositional optimization problems, and then parameterizing the value function as one that belongs to a reproducing Kernel Hilbert space. Then, by combining the kernel parameterization with specific optimization tools for compositional settings, i.e., stochastic quasi-gradient methods, and a projection step that ensures the complexity of the kernel representation does not become unwieldy, we can have globally convergent ADP that uses nonlinear function approximators of moderate complexity. See an example of how this works on the Mountain Car domain in the below plot, where we should that the Bellman error converges and we obtain a memory-efficient value function that is transparently interpretable in the contour plot. Here the value function is simply a weighted combination of some kernel evaluations at past state-action pairs. We handle the growth of the kernel parameterization through sparse subspace projections in a manner very similar to POLK.

These results are explained in detail in the following journal paper:

A. Koppel, G. Warnell, E. Stump, P. Stone, and A. Ribeiro. “Policy Evaluation in Continuous MDPs with Efficient Kernelized Gradient Temporal Difference,” in IEEE Trans. Automatic Control (submitted), Dec. 2017.

This approach may be adapted to solve the Bellman optimality equation for action-value functions. In the below left contour plot we show how this may be used to solve the Continuous Mountain car and obtain interpretable results. On the left below, the value function associated with the learned policy that is obtained by maximizing the action-value function. On the right we plot the resulting policy.

These results are explained in detail in the following journal paper:

A. Koppel, E. Tolstaya, E. Stump, and A. Ribeiro. ”Nonparametric Stochastic Compositional Gradient Descent for Q-Learning in Continuous Markov Decision Problems” in IEEE Trans. Automatic Control (to appear), 2019.

The main questions cracked open by these works is how to overcome the need for smoothness in the function approximation through the necessity of Lipschitz gradients, due to the fact that Bellman's optimality equation is non-smooth: the presence of the maximum and the fact that the reward are non-smooth are intrinsic to the problem setting. Moreover, reformulating the problem as a compositional problem yields a significantly slower learning rate than stochastic fixed point methods. Are their alternative reformulations that attain mean convergence rates comparable to usual TD or Q learning?

Improving the Reliability of Policy Search Policy gradient methods are the building block of many canonical reinforcement learning schemes due to their ability to scale gracefully to continuous spaces (they avoid the need to maximize the Q function in the inner loop of the algorithm) as compared with approximate dynamic programming. However, their performance is typically high variance, due to the fact their search directions are biased and high variance. Over the past year, I've been studying ways to improve the limiting behavior and variance of such methods.

More specifically, in several canonical references on policy gradient in the infinite horizon setting, authors claim that these first-order stochastic methods converge to local maxima of the value function. However, given that the setting is a non-convex stochastic program, these claims are faulty. Moreover, the finite time performance of PG methods are unknown. This is because obtaining unbiased estimates of PG requires unbiased estimates of the policy gradient. We proposed a way to obtain such estimates based on random horizon rollouts for the Q function, which permits i.i.d. sampling from the correct distribution, which we call Random Policy Gradient (RPG) At the end of the day, this allows us to establish conditions under which PG methods converge to stationarity and derived for the first time its iteration complexity, demonstrating PG method behaves similarly to classical behavior of stochastic gradient method in non-convex settings. The figures to the right show that in an implementation of RPG as compared to REINFORCE on the inverted pendulum, the gradient norm of the objective behaves similar to non-convex stochastic gradient method, and yields more consistent policy improvement. These results are detailed in the following paper:

Thus, in a recent work, we established conditions under which PG methods converge to stationarity and derived for the first time their iteration complexity:

K. Zhang, A. Koppel, H. Zhu, T. Basar, “Convergence and Iteration Complexity of Policy Gradient Methods for Infinite-horizon Reinforcement Learning,” in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (submitted), Nice, France, Dec. 11-13, 2019.

These results then motivate us investigating whether one can exploit recent advances in non-convex optimization to design improved policy search routines. Thus, we characterize conditions that yield convergence to approximate local maxima (second-order stationarity points) through a combination of modified step-size rules and additional hypotheses on the reward and policy parameterization. Specifically, when the policy parameterization has positive definition Fischer information, and the reward function's absolute value is strictly lower bounded away from null, policy gradient method can escape saddle points efficiently, and hence converge to approximate local extrema. The bolded condition should be interpreted as saying it's better to always provide constructive criticism to an RL agent, i.e., ``you get more bees with honey." These results are detailed in the upcoming submission:

K. Zhang, A. Koppel, H. Zhu, and T. M. Baser. "Global Convergence of Policy Gradient Methods: A Nonconvex Optimization Perspective" in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (submitted), Jan. 2019.

Experimentally, while we observe that these modified step-size rules combined with reward offsets to ensure positivity yield enhanced policy improvement, their sample path variance is still quite large. This corroborates recent experimental evidence from Joelle Pineau from FAIR Montreal/McGill who has experimentally analyzed several deep reinforcement learning schemes and pointed out how irreproducible their results are. This is theoretically substantiated by the fact that in the POMDP literature, it's established that the variance of estimating a policy gradient using a score function, when following a trajectory, is proportional to the length of the trajectory.

To sidestep this bottleneck, we proposed a way to modify the classic the Policy Gradient Theorem such that the score function does not appear. In particular, we propose computing the gradient of the value function with respect to the policy using the Hahn-Jordan decomposition of signed measures. Doing so yields the fact that the policy gradient is a difference of two policy measures: a positive part and a negative part. In the POMDP literature, this is called weak-derivative gradient estimation. With this alternative way of writing the PG Theorem, we then derive stochastic gradient based schemes and establish their convergence. More interestingly, for the Gaussian policy, we establish that the policy gradient estimate is provably lower variance, and hence yields accelerated convergence, as may be observed experimentally in the follwing evaluation on Pendulum, where we compare with the score function-based policy gradient. These results are formalized in the following submission:

S. Bhatt, A. Koppel, V Krishnamurthy, “Policy Gradient using Weak Derivatives for Reinforcement Learning,” in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (submitted), Nice, France, Dec. 11-13, 2019.

In standard inference techniques, we learn parameters of a statistical model or control policy that maps features to a target, i.e., binary label or action. This is the case with usual formulations of regression, classification, and reinforcement learning/learning control. By contrast, in Bayesian methods, we use past observations, a measurement model, and a prior, together with Bayes' Rule, to construct an entire distribution over outcomes for the present unknown. Keeping track of an entire posterior distribution, rather than a point estimate, allows one to design systems based on quantities more than just the average outcome, such as higher-order moments or quantiles, which are important for, e.g., reliability or safety guarantees.

Of course, if one restricts focus to just the posterior mean and hypothesizes a linear measurement model with additive white noise, then a Kalman filter tracks the required information. When such linear dynamics and simple noise assumptions are invalid, nonparametric Bayesian methods such as Gaussian Processes and Monte Carlo allow one to estimate parameters of an arbitrary posterior distribution. However, doing so when observations (or Monte Carlo particles) arrive in sequential fashion or their total number is infinite, has unbounded complexity. This issue is known as the curse of dimensionality in nonparametric statistics. Thus, to enable tracking of arbitrary posterior distributions in the online setting, one requires consistency-preserving compression routines. While many compression tools exist, their formal statistical properties are often poorly understood, and thus it is difficult to evaluate them beyond numerical experimentation.

Gaussian Processes Gaussian processes are a framework for hypothesizing a Gaussian distribution over function spaces, and permit restricting focus to only computations involving the posterior mean and covariance. Unfortunately, computing the posterior mean and covariance has complexity cubic in the sample size, and hence in the online setting grows unbounded as time progresses. Memory reduction techniques rely on numerous approximations: approximating the kernel matrix, projecting a growing collection of data points onto the likelihood of another, or approximating the Gaussian likelihood using variational upper bounds. The merits and drawbacks of these approaches is an active area of research -- see Chapter 8 of the famous GP textbook for a nice numerical evaluation of existing approaches.

From a statistical perspective, the merit of a memory-reduction technique for GPs should be in how close to statistical consistency it becomes as the number of training examples becomes large. This is the metric of optimality in Bayesian statistics. Motivated by this fact, in the following paper, we propose a greedy forward selection technique for memory reduction of Gaussian processes based on a metric between distributions called the Hellinger metric. The reason for this selection is that it (1) can be computed in closed-form for Gaussian distributions; and (2) many existing statistical consistency results for GPs from the statistics literature are expressed in terms of it. A key contrast of this approach is that we do not fix the number of kernel covariance elements (also known as pseudo/inducing inputs) in advance, but instead allow the number to flexibly grow or shrink as new training examples arrive. As a result, we can mathematically establish that the memory-reduced GP yields a posterior that is nearly consistent.

A. Koppel , "Consistent Online Gaussian Process Regression Without the Sample Complexity Bottleneck,"in IEEE American Control Conference (ACC) (to appear), Philadelphia, PA, Jul. 10-12, 2019.

Results on a simple LIDAR nonlinear online regression data set are shown to the right. Note that the number of points (pseudo-inputs) that parameterizes the GP adapts online to whatever is needed for ensuring we are near statistical consistency. This is done via the compression routine based on the Hellinger metric. The statistical performance of the compressed GP is fairly close to the dense one in terms of one-step evolution with respect to the Hellinger metric, and this translates to similar regression performance. Additional experimentation is ongoing.

The key insight of this work is that one my greedily compress with respect to a metric with a fixed approximation error, and then attain convergence to a neighborhood that depends on this error. This is the case in POLK (explained in earlier sections). This is true independent of the choice of metric and the online learning algorithm to which it is applied. Thus, in ongoing work, I am exploring how this idea may be used to discern what is a near-optimal but finite number of particles required to represent an arbitrary posterior distribution, not one that is required to be Gaussian.

Machine learning problems such as, e.g., regression, classification, clustering, principal components, matrix completion, require solving optimization problems where the cost is a sum of a large number of individual costs, each of which denotes the model fitness at a current training example. Creating computationally efficient routines for such optimization problems has been the focus of much research over the past decades. Two major themes have emerged for how to manage the computational cost of solving such problems: stochastic/online approximation, i.e., cycling through subsets of data per model update, rather than full training sets, and decentralization. Decentralization refers to splitting training sets over subsets of computational processors in order to alleviate the bottleneck in the training sample size, and also to attain benefits of parallel processing. Efforts to combine these approaches are referred to as decentralized stochastic (online) optimization. Through appropriate information mixing strategies, individual nodes may learn a decision variable which is optimal in terms of observations aggregated globally over the network.

Prior approaches for decentralized information mixing were based upon schemes where agents combine a weighted average of neighbors decision variables with a local gradient step ("the consensus protocol"). By contrast, we propose new information mixing strategies, which employs duality in convex optimization to have agents approximately enforce local agreement constraints while learning based upon local information. Specifically, we use primal-dual (distributed saddle point), to solve decentralized online optimization problems and demonstrate their improvement over consensus methods for problems in which there is local heterogeneity in data across the network. The figures to the right demonstrate the improvement of saddle point method over consensus protocol (distributed gradient descent) for such problems on a grid network for solving distributed online linear regression. See [Video] for a presentation of this work:

A. Koppel, F. Jakubeic, and A. Ribeiro, “A saddle point algorithm for networked online convex optimization,” in IEEE Trans. Signal Process., Oct 2015.

Beyond Linear Statistical ModelsThe preceding discussion restricted focus to the case where the instantaneous cost of each computing node is assumed to be convex, and the constraint imposed by decentralization is that different nodes' decisions must coincide at optimality. In follow up work, we relaxed the convexity assumption so that individual nodes can learn more general decision variables defined by sparse feature approximations, i..e., supervised dictionary learning. The primary motivation for focusing on this development is to create a framework for autonomous terrain classification among a network of robots. See the following work for further details.

A. Koppel, G. Warnell, E. Stump, and A. Ribeiro, "D4L: Decentralized Dynamic Discrminative Dictionary Learning," in IEEE Trans. Signal and Info. Process over Networks, Feb. 2017.

Proximity without Consensus In distributed optimization problems, agent agreement may not always be the primary goal. In large-scale settings where one aims to leverage parallel processing architectures to alleviate computational bottlenecks, agreement constraints are suitable. In contrast, if there are different priors on information received at distinct subsets of agents, then requiring the network to reach a common decision may to degrade local predictive accuracy. Specifically, if the observations at each node are independent but not identically distributed, consensus yields the wrong solution. Moreover, there are tradeoffs in complexity and communications, and it may be that only a subset of nodes requires a solution.

In this work, we formulate a generalization of the usual decentralized optimization problem to the case where nodes are incentivized to select decisions that are nearby but not necessarily equal through the use of network proximity constraints. To solve this problem, we propose a stochastic variant of primal-dual method, and establish that it converges in expectation to a primal-dual optimal pair of this problem when a constant algorithm step-size is chosen. This work is summarized in the following journal paper:

A. Koppel, B. Sadler, and A. Ribeiro, ”Proximity without Consensus in Online Multi-Agent Optimization,” in IEEE Trans. Signal Proc, Volume: 65 Issue: 12 , Page 3062-3077, June 15, 2017.

Here we consider a numerical experiment on a source localization problem where distinct nodes of a network sequentially observe noisy-perturbed range measurements. The noise is correlated with the node's distance to the source signal. Each node tries to estimate the source signal through either saddle point method with consensus constraints, distributed online gradient descent, or the saddle point method proposed here that uses proximity constraints. We observe that the later approach yields minimal estimation error.

Decentralized Learning with Kernels Efforts to develop optimization tools for multi-agent online learning to date have predominately been restricted to the case where each agent learns a linear statistical model or a task-driven dictionary that is as good as one with data aggregated across the network. However, these efforts exclude the state of the art learning tools based on nonlinear interpolators: namely, kernel methods and neural networks. This is because instabilities associated with non-convexity, which are only a minor issue in centralized settings, become both theoretically and empirically difficult to overcome in settings with consensus constraints. Therefore efforts to extend neural network learning to multi-agent online learning likely suffer the same drawbacks. In this research thrust, we focus on extending kernel methods to decentralized online settings, motivated both by its advantageous empirical performance, as well as the theoretical and practical benefits of the fact that the optimization problem defined by their training is convex. This stochastic convex problem, however, is defined over an infinite dimensional space, and therefore it is not enough to solve the optimization problem, but one must also solve it in an optimally sparse way.

Doing so in multi-agent settings is the contribution of this thread, and the way in which we do so is through extending the ideas of POLK (described in previous sections) to decentralized settings. We do so through a penalty method-based approach consensus optimization, but defined over RKHS. This work is summarized in the following work:

Koppel, A., Paternain, S., Richard, C., & Ribeiro, A. (2018). Decentralized online learning with kernels. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 66(12), 3240-3255.

In the following experiment, we consider decentralized online kernel SVM classification of the Brodatz textures solved through the greedily projected penalty method, where the penalty parameter periodically doubles over the course of training in order to enforce consensus. Observe that the objective converges, the complexity remains moderate, and the constraints are enforced. This is contrast to other methods that yield high classification accuracy, which must be trained in a centralized offline manner.

The major questions raised by this work is: how do we characterize the importance of different information observed by each agent, and can this importance be connected with the model complexity of an agent's statistical model? Can decentralized learning of nonlinear statistical models be generalized to non-stationary settings?